Course Meeting Times

Catégories : Architecture
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À propos du cours

Most complex systems today contain a great deal of software and digital components and will contain even more in the future. At the same time, software is becoming the Achilles heel of complex system development: At least half of all large software-intensive system projects are cancelled or suffer major delays and problems. System engineers and managers are often unprepared to cope with this new technology. The goal of this class is to learn why building these systems is so difficult and to provide system engineers, managers, and software engineers with the tools and knowledge to avoid these problems. At the end of the class, you will be able to exercise professional judgment in selecting approaches for a particular project based on an understanding of how the present state of software engineering practice came about, what was tried in the past, what worked and what did not work, and why. Note that the class is a system engineering of software class, not a standard software engineering class and as such will not provide basic training in programming or in specific approaches or tools for developing software.

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Qu’allez-vous apprendre ?

  • Grades will be based on the weekly assignments.

Contenu du cours

Instead of a textbook, required reading will consist of a carefully selected set of historically important and foundational papers as well as more current ones reflecting the latest thoughts. Some papers will be technical while others will be opinions or essays. The literature is vast, and papers have been selected for their historical relevance in the development of the field or for their ability to help you critique the assumptions underlying current software/system engineering dogma.

  • Assignments
  • Culture générale

Notes et avis de l’apprenant

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